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What every CEO should know about the Business Value of Human-Centered Design
There is some misconception around Human-Centered Design (HCD) and what it is and does. That is because most business leaders (and many in the newer wave of People Experience) have not made the connection between the operating model of successful Tech companies and something they could implement in their organization.
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What every CEO should know about the Business Value of Human-Centered Design
There is some misconception around Human-Centered Design (HCD) and what it is and does. That is because most business leaders (and many in the newer wave of People Experience) have not made the connection between the operating model of successful Tech companies and something they could implement in their organization.
Why You Should Consider Building ‘Experience’ Capabilities for 2025
Businesses face a challenging question this time of year: ‘Where should we invest time and resources for the year ahead?’ What if you could re-focus your organization to discover what matters most to customers and your employees so you know more precisely where to invest and disinvest? The methodology in Human-centered Design does exactly that.
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Why You Should Consider Building ‘Experience’ Capabilities for 2025
Businesses face a challenging question this time of year: ‘Where should we invest time and resources for the year ahead?’ What if you could re-focus your organization to discover what matters most to customers and your employees so you know more precisely where to invest and disinvest? The methodology in Human-centered Design does exactly that.
Organizations know that stronger experiences translate to more loyalty, engagement and profits. But how can they best identify and act on User priorities and effectively manage KPI’s to deliver on that promise? This article offers 10 top tips on how to identify what matters to Users and how to bring those priorities faster to market.
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Top 10 Tips for Better Journey Management
Organizations know that stronger experiences translate to more loyalty, engagement and profits. But how can they best identify and act on User priorities and effectively manage KPI’s to deliver on that promise? This article offers 10 top tips on how to identify what matters to Users and how to bring those priorities faster to market.
Level 3 Listening is getting down to a level of detail involving stories. Stories help us understand context, how people used our offerings and their preferences, why they did what they did and how they felt about it, including the interactions that had outsized impact.
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Three Levels of Experience Listening
Level 3 Listening is getting down to a level of detail involving stories. Stories help us understand context, how people used our offerings and their preferences, why they did what they did and how they felt about it, including the interactions that had outsized impact.
Here is Part 1 of the findings of our 7th Annual Human Experience of Work Survey. Our 2024 report focuses on the rapid growth of HX roles, and what companies and HX Leaders are doing to build new capabilities and support a transformation to new, more effective ways of working.
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2024 Preview of the 7th Annual HX of Work Survey
Here is Part 1 of the findings of our 7th Annual Human Experience of Work Survey. Our 2024 report focuses on the rapid growth of HX roles, and what companies and HX Leaders are doing to build new capabilities and support a transformation to new, more effective ways of working.